Bellew & Co backs The Southland Tribune's sports coverage
A premier real estate agent has partnered with The Southland Tribune to help bring both the Spotlight onSouthland Sport Friday Edition and Sunday offering to readers each week.
Premier Southland real estate agent Sean Bellew has backed The Southland Tribune’s push to continue to tell Southland’s sporting stories.
Bellew & Co has partnered with The Southland Tribune to help bring both the Spotlight on Southland Sport Friday and Sunday offerings to readers each week.
Tribune editor Logan Savory says the quest has always been to shine a light on Southland’s sporting stories as part of the new publication that was launched in January.
Having a leading player in the real estate sector back our sporting coverage is another important step in helping us ensure we can continue, Savory says.
“It’s another example of Southlanders backing Southlanders,” Savory added.
To touch base with Bellew in regard to any of your real estate needs head to
Good work team Bellew