Invercargill offers up letter of support for NRL bid
“It’s not monetary support, it’s just saying we support the concept of there being a South Island franchise."
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Invercargill Mayor Nobby Clark has thrown his support behind a group which is attempting to get a South Island-based rugby league team into the Australian-based NRL competition.
The group headed by former New Zealand Rugby CEO and NRL boss David Moffet goes under the name South Island Kea. They have submitted a bid to be included in an expanded NRL competition in the future.
Representatives reached out to the Invercargill City Council for information and a possible letter of support.
Mayor Clark agreed to provide the letter of support for the bid with Invercargill’s Rugby Park potentially being included in the Kea’s host venue strategy.
The South Island Kea group initially had plans to become the 18th NRL team when one team is added.
Although it appears a new team in Papua New Guinea or Perth is the favoured options at this point.
The Australian Government will reportedly provide $600 million in funding to get the PNG NRL team off the ground.
The bid forms part of a soft diplomacy pitch by the Australian federal government in a move which will try to fend off China’s growing interest in the region.
The NRL has indicated it would like to expand to 20 teams in the coming years which may still provide an opportunity for a new South Island-based franchise to join the Warriors as New Zealand teams in the competition.
With Christchurch constructing a new indoor stadium, and Dunedin already having an indoor venue, most home games as part of a South Island bid would likely be played at those venues. It would be a surprise to see Invercargill feature.
Although Clark said there was the potential for Invercargill to host an NRL fixture if the South Island Kea was able to gain entry into the competition at some point.
He confirmed the council would not be providing any financial support to the bid.
“It’s not monetary support, it’s just saying we support the concept of there being a South Island franchise, as opposed to the Warriors being a bit more North Island focused, and that we do have a ground that is available if they want to give us a game.
“It seems like it is one game every second season, which is a little bit like we get with the Highlanders.
“But other than making Rugby Park available, that’s the only commitment we made,” Mayor Clark said.
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