Its way past time that we got rid of the four councils doing their own things four different ways and moved to a single council for our province of around 110,000 people. Many who are moving into income brackets that are fixed and will not be able to continue to absorb the ever-increasing cost plus mentality of councils when it comes to fixing rates.
It is ridiculous that we have to keep fronting up to pay for duplications of costs right across the board and the present ever-increasing structures are slowly strangling the province.
Driving down North Road this morning it looks like we will soon need a multi story car park to house Environment Southland staff vehicles.
I haven't been past Great South recently but understand they are looking at bigger premises to house their rapidly expanding workforce as well.
Its just too easy to go out and continue to pass on costs to the ratepayers without any clear picture of when enough is enough.
Someone should do some comparisons on what percentage of a person living in their own home on a pension has to pay from their pension for council rates compared to 30 years ago.
It must be very close to 25% today and when it comes to value for money think about that as you bounce along our city streets.
Three Waters are just part of Council rates and have been for years and need to be maintained but alot of that cost should come from the depreciation charges that most councils include in each years annual plan and are there as a reserve to go towards there replacement. I think that it is time to put a halt on grandiose items such as Invercargill Central, where the rate payer is now the biggest funder, and getting very little return. Not to mention the millions spent on Esk and Don Streets. Currently there is the new museum and storage building, so please don't waste money on putting an unnecessary road through Wackner Place.
Why is it proposed to make the commercial ratepayers pay 4.79% more than the residential also what costs justify life style blocks also having a larger increase than the residential ratepayers as they rarely have any of the Tree Waters services
Its way past time that we got rid of the four councils doing their own things four different ways and moved to a single council for our province of around 110,000 people. Many who are moving into income brackets that are fixed and will not be able to continue to absorb the ever-increasing cost plus mentality of councils when it comes to fixing rates.
It is ridiculous that we have to keep fronting up to pay for duplications of costs right across the board and the present ever-increasing structures are slowly strangling the province.
Driving down North Road this morning it looks like we will soon need a multi story car park to house Environment Southland staff vehicles.
I haven't been past Great South recently but understand they are looking at bigger premises to house their rapidly expanding workforce as well.
Its just too easy to go out and continue to pass on costs to the ratepayers without any clear picture of when enough is enough.
Someone should do some comparisons on what percentage of a person living in their own home on a pension has to pay from their pension for council rates compared to 30 years ago.
It must be very close to 25% today and when it comes to value for money think about that as you bounce along our city streets.
Three Waters are just part of Council rates and have been for years and need to be maintained but alot of that cost should come from the depreciation charges that most councils include in each years annual plan and are there as a reserve to go towards there replacement. I think that it is time to put a halt on grandiose items such as Invercargill Central, where the rate payer is now the biggest funder, and getting very little return. Not to mention the millions spent on Esk and Don Streets. Currently there is the new museum and storage building, so please don't waste money on putting an unnecessary road through Wackner Place.
Why is it proposed to make the commercial ratepayers pay 4.79% more than the residential also what costs justify life style blocks also having a larger increase than the residential ratepayers as they rarely have any of the Tree Waters services