I walked through those containers a few weeks ago and did not feel safe even in daylight. There are parts that I believe are rotten, perhaps Mr Day should go for a walk and check it out.

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Surely the boss man at I L T can do some pocket pissing to get some action...

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If a building is considered unsafe in the public area around it surely that should require immediate action. If it is unsafe but only to the people on that property that should be a different matter.

I feel for the owner who is facing many obstacles and have long thought heritage buildings that have a value to the cities look and character should be able to call on the people of that city to assist in finding solutions. Especially in a case like this. Council was happy to buy a property further along towards the library and knock it down not so long ago because they deemed it unsafe. This building only needs the eastern end of it knocked down and its a prime inner city site that could be used for all sorts of things

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