It would be great to get more information as to why this has been "supported" by Great South given comments from 2 shareholders do not agree. 10 years of community money has gone into this, we deserve more respect from Ian and great south team I think

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Mind blowing - 10 years of hard work, gone...

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Great loss for Southland - shocked that Great South supported this factory shift. Who’s team are they on?

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It certainly was a shock to read that Mr Collier supported the move north .would make interesting reading to list his reasons for our perusal,

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Where does he live?

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I agree totally with the ILT CEO comments on this. When I read in the Tribune that the factory was not going to be built in Southland I was disappointed but to then read that the move was supported but Great South chairman Ian Collier I thought I wasn't reading correctly. After 10 years of plotting and planning there appeared to not even been a flicker of disappointment from our very own development agency. I really cant see how this move is of benefit to Southland and Invercargill unless we are only getting info drip fed to us. Great South has gone down immensely in my estimation.

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The problem is the board of Great South are not really invested in Southland. We have been used to fund all the investigations and business plans for no return.

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