Let us see all the documents related to the Dunedin Hospital then National - if you have nothing to hide. Otherwise it's all a smokescreen.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

Great letter from Rob Scott: this is not a nice to have but essential longterm infrastructure. Penny you are trumpeting predictable words of your party’s stance: inability to build this hospital $ wise comes because of WRONG PRIORITIES of your government to borrow billions to pay for tax cuts, for landlords, ahead of having the means to meet essential futureproofed national infrastructure. CHANGE THE BUDGET for this hospital. Instead of finding billions to give tax cuts for landlords for reason of DOGMA , your government should have gotten its priorities right? Ferries and hospitals are less important?

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There is a real concern among many of my friends about to retire who have retired that after working our whole lives and paying our taxes we are now in a lottery when it comes to healthcare. Any non-essential or what they consider non-essential health needs like new hips or knees become a waiting game having a huge impact on the quality of people's lives and retirements. It is bullshit that we cant afford the essential things when the government can find billions for landlords and tax cuts.

You can see the move towards letting in the private healthcare providers which means not only have we paid our taxes we now have to pay these people on top of that and many will lose their life savings just to have some quality of life.

No one seems to get we have an aging population and people are living longer. We have more than paid our dues as have those before us so cut the bullshit and get on with investing in our future rather than this year by year bottom line approach of this government.

The constant focus of the Nats on tax cuts has failed NZ in so many ways with almost every part of our public infrastructure failing. The old days when we had a government department that managed the big projects like the MOW certainly achieved a lot more than what we have now

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