1 Comment
Jul 8·edited Jul 8

It is time now for Council to recognise the south city hub is vital and effective , and extend the brief of South Alive to “ ripple outwards “?, using their resources and expertise to foster connection and hubs, and playgrounds and oversight of other Invercargill suburbs? Because absolutely the needs of south invercatgill are in fact the social and community needs of residents across the WHOLE city.. The resources and funding should inow extend to policies of a “ ripple effect” of making “ INVERCARGILL suburbia alive”. Suburb by suburb. Eg could south Alive start by creating monthly (or fortnightly?) SATELLITE drop in centres at suitable venues in other suburbs. Sorry but Waikiwi is JUST as needy as south Invercargill!! ? Why does council not require South Alive to now be an umbrella organisation to recreate a small level of outreach into day two other trial suburbs .?????? Even the upgrade to Elizabeth Park prefers south Invercargill - as though it is more deserving or more needy than other suburbs. WHAT IS COUNCIL PROCESS or COUNCILS BIG PICTURE POLICY to revitalise ALL suburbs - can the expertise be shared to instill small changes in other suburbs too? I love South Alive tho . Give it MORE funding ! To reach outwards???

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