I went back and watched the video of the meeting, and it does appear like the issue has been inflated somewhat. Councillors seemed more concerned about the cost of the ceremony, rather than whether the ceremony would be culturally appropriate.

Interesting, the content that followed afterwards was even more interesting: Mayor Clark showed great annoyance at his report on the use of an incinerator (instead of landfill) being left off the agenda. It makes me wonder, who is the private entity providing the incinerator which would be receiving council funding? And in an era where carbon emissions are more dangerous than ever, what good does Nobby Clark think burning all the rubbish is going to do?

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Crikey I hope they did not spend too much time talking about this. Surely they have bigger fish to fry.

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Will the blessing help turn the batteries back to life?

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Sad that people are misusing a great moari tradition.

A blessing is for a place that has great significance to the area to the people .

There are better issues people should be putting their energy's into than this.

Have to agree with Peter Ketts sentiment.

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