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Some interesting predictions. With the Green Party vote local man Dave standing for the Southland electorate may well go into parliament on the list.

In a democracy we shouldn't criticize how other people vote but I am having a hard time not doing so with the numbers looking backwards at Winston.

This election should have fallen into Luxons lap with the fallout from Covid and the stress that placed on NZ both socially and economically but he has looked indecisive and more interested in appealing to every voter than looking like a strong leader . John Key took one look at the books and increased GST which is what leadership is about.

Labour has also missed their chance on many fronts and taking a stronger stance on socially equity issues and not doing things like bringing in a capital gains tax is not helping with their traditional base.

I hope they regroup and come back with a new look and some big policies that focus on what Labour once was a about.

My predictions are we wont know who will be the government for 14 days and no one will see the $250 promised in tax cuts by National. Farmers wont see any changes in the many regulations and rules they are struggling with and house prices will continue to rise crippling the economy with debt to the big Australian banks. I will enjoy being proven wrong.

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